Chicken and Tomatoes

So, let's talk chicken and tomatoes. No, I'm not referring to a recipe (although, that would totally be delicious as well), I'm actually talking about chicken thighs and tomato plants! Okay, that seems like an odd pair, but, it seems so totally normal to me at this moment, as I take in the wafting aromas put off by my too-large heirloom tomato plants and my just-baked skillet chicken thighs.

You see, SOMEONE is a slothful procrastinator sometimes, and, while they start specific projects and have *every* intention of following through and keeping up with the desired timeline, life has a funny way of distracting. The result? Me (that's the "SOMEONE" that I was referring to ↗️ there) standing in the kitchen in their sweats (hey, don't judge me) frantically trying to pot-up a bajillion (is that an actual number?) tomato plants that kind of got away from me and are overcrowding in the flat.

Oh yeah, it's also lunchtime because that person that I won't name again doesn't always have the best time management skills and has ravenous ("You JUST had a snack for crying out loud!") children tugging at her pant leg for lunch. Yep, chicken thrown in a smokin' hot iron to bake fast and hot (one of the very best ways), hopefully ready for some serious sandwiches! Pronto! Because, I'm elbow deep in potting soil and tomato plants!

Serious lunch? Check.

Serious potting up? Check.

Seriously amazing, nutritious, delicious garden in a couple of months?


Please tell me I'm not the only one that gets themselves into these messes?

Disclaimer: No chicken thigh was harmed, or eaten with, potting-soily (there's those made up words again) hands. We were all clean when we dug in! Pun intended


I slept with Bernice the cow last night.


Flies in the buttermilk