Want local, handmade gourmet pies and Artisan sourdough bagels & breads, delivered to town?

Join the Pie of the Month Club!

  • How It Works

    1. Choose your Box size and nearest Pick-up Point

      2. Call/Text us at (906) 287-5041 or email farm@pellspiepatch.com

      3. Pick-up on the last Thursday of the month

  • Box Options

    Box 1: Pie of the Month… $138 or $23/month

    Box 2: Pie of the Month, ½ Dozen Sourdough Bagels, 1 Loaf Artisan Sourdough Bread...$276 or $46/month

    Box 3: Pie of the Month, 1 Dozen Sourdough Bagels, 1 Loaf Artisan Sourdough Bread, 1 Loaf Specialty Sourdough Bread...$426 or $71/month

  • Pick-up Points

    Manistique- Mustard Seed

    Gould City- Pell’s Pie Patch & Family Farm

    Curtis- Mary’s Garden Natural Food Shoppe

    Newberry- Seder’s Pizza